Category Archives: Grand Prix

General info 2017

INTERNATIONAL  RACE  KAMPENHOUT  30 – June / 1 – 2  July  2017 

general info


The MBV track is situated in a public park behind school buildings.

Address: Park van Relst, Aarschotsebaan 128, 1910 Kampenhout (Relst).


The track has an astroturf surface. Jumps? Oh yes,  whoops, a ski-iiii jump, a fabulous “wall of death”, two cobble stone sections,  a tricky off camber turn, …

Special feature: unique underground drainage worth seeing. Drainage holes and pipes under the track lead to one collector on the lowest point.

The rostrum along the straight is more than 2 m high. Lap counting is installed underneath.

On the parking area right next to the track tents will be put up for pitting. Some drivers prefer pitting in the camping area which is also close to the track.

An average lap is between 26 and 29 seconds. Highest grip when the track has dried after it rained, slippery when wet. Prolonged dry weather results in slightly slower lap times.


Schumacher Mini Spike 2, all types, all compounds for the driven axles.

Additionally for the 4WD front wheels the Schumacher Wide Stagger Rib (all compounds) will be allowed.

Cut and shut not allowed.

Recommended compound for dry weather:  yellow .

Recommended compound for wet weather: silver.


LiPo: 7,4 Volt  LiPo &  7.6 HV LiPo alloxed,  hard cased.

Use and charge according to manufacturer’s instructions. Liposack recommended for charging.

Charge regime CC/CV, maximum allowed voltage setting on charger: 8.40 V or 2S.


No motor limit, brushless (to EFRA specifications) allowed.


2wd 1474 g,

4wd 1588 g


Friday: registration and free practice,

Saturday: 8 heats 2wd

Sunday: 7 heats 4wd

Timetable and briefing will be sent the week before the race.

4 qualifying rounds and 3 finals for everyone

race duration 5 minutes

round by round qualifying, 2 best to count.

RC4 decoder (hand out RC4 PT available if needed). Older MRT transponders probably won’t be fully compatible with an RC4 decoder.


You can search for hotels near Brussels (Diegem), Leuven or Mechelen.

Camping Veronique is only 3,5 km from the track:—Wilkommen—Bienvenue

Camping Trianon Hever,  8 km from track:

Camping in the park (5 euros per person) during the event is exceptionally allowed by the Council from Wednesday on and at own risk. The park is not a fitted camp site, there are no showers (only showers provided by nature), limited 220V from Friday on. You can bring a generator but use it wisely at night. Keep outer road free. Do not leave valuables within grabbing reach. And don’t count on quiet evenings, especially on Saturday night there will be loud music in the big party tent.

This is a link to the local festivities:

Type of electrical sockets used in Belgium:

or search Google for: CEE 7/7

Power 220V supplied in the pits. In the camping area there will be one centralized multi socket, so bring your own good quality extension lead.

If for some reason you cannot attend the meeting, please let us know as soon as possible, as there are still drivers on the waiting list.

See you soon,

Willy & Liliane,

MBV Kampenhout.

Kampenhout international Race: entry open from February 6



Our 2017 International Race (a.k.a. Belgium GP) will be held on the first weekend of July, coinciding with the park festivities as usual. It will be on the Efra calendar as International Race. However the format will be the same as before and an Efra licence is not required.

It was brought to our attention that Efra rules demand that all participants are affiliated to one of Efra’s National Federations (by end of June). Contact us if you have any questions regarding this requirement.


free practice on Friday

2wd on Saturday

4wd on Sunday

Control tyre for driven axles: Schumacher mini spike 2, all types all compounds.

Additionally for the 4WD front wheels the Schumacher Wide Stagger Rib (all compounds) will be allowed

Entries will be open from the 6th of February until the end of February.


By sending your name and class(es) raced to

you can apply for a place.

Everyone can apply, even without personal invitation.


You will receive a confirmation for the entry list or reserve list at the beginning of March. Payment details will be in that mail. Do not send any payment before this confirmation with payment request.

Entry fees are still the same: 30 euros for 1 class or 50 euros for 2 classes.

Thank you

Wat heb je nodig voor een geslaagde Grand Prix? Volgens Tom – veel te wijs voor zijn jeugdigde leeftijd – is dat heel eenvoudig: meer talent, droge sokken en een propere onderbroek. Zo eenvoudig en toch boenk erop!
Er waren weer heel wat toptalenten naar Kampenhout gekomen om te strijden voor een plaatsje in de hoogste finale. Maar uiteraard zijn ook de mindere goden bij ons welkom, voor ons zijn zij toppers in volle kweek. Door de jaren heen (hoe lang doen wij die GP al?) hebben we al dikwijls ondervonden dat het persoonlijk resultaat van vele rijders met elke deelname verrassend verbetert. Sommige van de huidige winnaars zijn op hun eerste GP zelfs niet eens in de goeie helft van het klassement ge-eindigd. Het gaat trouwens niet alleen om de prestatie; het plezier, de sfeer en het gezelschap, vrienden terugzien en nieuwe vrienden maken, dat hoort ook allemaal bij een succesvolle meeting.
De laatste maanden hebben we elke dag regen gehad in alle variaties; een beetje – veel – heel veel – nog meer. Geen probleem voor ons circuit met prima afwatering, maar achter het podium kon je makkelijk een modderbad nemen. Hopelijk hebben jullie ondertussen al het slijk weer overal afgeveegd, de modder uit jullie kleren gewassen en droge sokken aangetrokken.
Spannende duels waarbij het publiek oooh en aaaah uitroept, zijn er ook altijd. Minutenlange zenuwslopende achtervolgingen, wachtend en hopend op de kans om voorbij te gaan, bewijzen het belang van concentratie, tactiek en zelfbeheersing.
Nog een grote dank u wel aan al de medewerkers van de club voor hun hulp en bijstand en vooral aan die van buiten de club!
We wish to thank you all for coming over and race with us, especially those from the UK, Italy, Norway and Denmark who covered a lot of mileage to join us. The rain couldn’t  withhold us from having a great meeting. We hope to see you again next year.
Un très grand merci aussi aux pilotes français toujours gentils et aimables. C’est avec grand plaisir qu’on compte certainement vous revoir l’année prochaine.
Vielen Dank für die Fahrer aus Deutschland. Es freut uns sehr dass die ständigen Teilnehmer da waren, dass wir einen von Jahren her wiedergesehen haben, und dass auch einen neuen Teilnehmer da war.
Willy & Liliane
MBV Kampenhout
If you have taken photos or videos, please send us a link.

INTERNATIONAL RACE KAMPENHOUT 1 – 2 – 3 July 2016 general info


The MBV track is situated in a public park behind school buildings.

Address: Park van Relst, Aarschotsebaan 128, 1910 Kampenhout (Relst).


The track has an astroturf surface. Jumps? Oh yes, a 90° table top, whoops, a ski-iiii jump, a fabulous “wall of death”, two cobble stone sections,  a tricky off camber turn, …

Special feature: unique underground drainage worth seeing. Drainage holes and pipes under the track lead to one collector on the lowest point.

The rostrum along the straight is more than 2 m high. Lap counting is installed underneath.

On the parking area right next to the track tents will be put up for pitting. Some drivers prefer pitting in the camping area which is also close to the track.

An average lap is between 26 and 28 seconds. Highest grip when the track has dried after it rained, slippery when wet. Prolonged dry weather results in slightly slower lap times.


Schumacher Mini Spike 2, all types, all compounds for the driven axles.

Additionally for the 4WD front wheels the Schumacher Wide Stagger Rib (all compounds) will be allowed.

Cut and shut not allowed.

Recommended compound for dry weather:  yellow .

Recommended compound for wet weather: silver.


LiPo: 7,4 Volt originally hard cased LiPo’s.

Use and charge according to manufacturer’s instructions. Liposack recommended for charging.

Charge regime CC/CV, maximum allowed voltage setting on charger: 8.40 V or 2S.


No motor limit, brushless (to EFRA specifications) allowed.


2wd 1474 g,

4wd 1588 g


Friday: registration and free practice,

Saturday: 8 heats 2wd

Sunday: 7 heats 4wd

Timetable and briefing will be sent the week before the race.

4 qualifying rounds and 3 finals for everyone

race duration 5 minutes

round by round qualifying, 2 best to count.

RC4 decoder (hand out RC4 PT available if needed). MRT transponders probably won’t be fully compatible with an RC4 decoder.


You can search for hotels near Brussels (Diegem), Leuven or Mechelen.

Camping Veronique is only 3,5 km from the track:—Wilkommen—Bienvenue

Camping Trianon Hever,  8 km from track:

Camping in the park (5 euros per person) during the event is exceptionally allowed by the Council from Wednesday on and at own risk. The park is not a fitted camp site, there are no showers (only showers provided by nature), limited 220V from Friday on. You can bring a generator but use it wisely at night. Keep outer road free. Do not leave valuables within grabbing reach. And don’t count on quiet evenings, especially on Saturday night there will be loud music in the big party tent.

This is a link to the local festivities:

Type of electrical sockets used in Belgium:

or search Google for: CEE 7/7

Power 220V supplied in the pits. In the camping area there will be one centralized multi socket, so bring your own good quality extension lead.

If for some reason you cannot attend the meeting, please let us know as soon as possible, as there are still drivers on the waiting list.

See you soon,

Willy & Liliane,

MBV Kampenhout.

Confirmations in the next few days

International Race  GRAND PRIX KAMPENHOUT  1-2-3 July 2016
scroll down for the English version
Beste GP’ers,
132 aanvragen in 2WD voor 80 plaatsen, 91 aanvragen voor 4wd voor 70 plaatsen….. begin d’er maar aan! Natuurlijk zouden we jullie allemaal graag zien meeracen, maar we hebben maar twee armen, twee benen, en 1 hoofd dat momenteel op barsten staat. Natuurlijk zijn we blij met deze meer dan gezonde interesse in onze GP, maar de keerzijde is dat we meer dan 70 gegadigden op de reservelijst moeten zetten voor minstens 1 klasse.
We zijn dus een paar keer meedogenloos door de inschrijvingslijst moeten gaan. Uiteraard proberen we de buitenlandse deelnemers zo veel mogelijk een plaats te geven, de Nederlanders beschouwen we noodgedwongen als halve Belgen .
Bij de Fransen, Denen, Duitsers, Engelsen zijn rijders die elk jaar naar Kampenhout komen; voor hen – en voor ons – is het ondertussen een race onder vrienden geworden. Dit jaar zijn er ook redelijk wat die voor de eerste keer willen meedoen. Italiaanse deelnemers zitten er ook tussen, dat is geleden van begin jaren negentig. En niet te vergeten enkele “oude glorieën”. We gaan de namen nog niet verklappen, maar denken aan een Engelsman die een twintigtal jaren geleden zowel 2wd als 4wd won en nu “out of retirement” is en een Duitse toprijder die in zijn jonge(re) jaren altijd in de A-finale reed. Er zijn trouwens ook Belgische winnaars van in de beginjaren ingeschreven.
Of er veel of weinig afzeggingen komen is onvoorspelbaar en verschilt van jaar tot jaar. Belgen/Nederlanders die nu op de reservelijst belanden kunnen de vrijgekomen plaatsen innemen, vooral tijdens de laatste weken, want dan is het voor een buitenlander moeilijker om zijn reis en verblijf last minute te plannen.
Dear GP drivers,
At the end of the entry period we have 132 applications in 2wd for 80 places and 91 applications in 4wd for 70 places. This great interest in our GP makes us happy, proud and grateful.  We love to see you all race with us, but hate the fact we have to make a brain-racking  selection to move more than 70 entries on the reserve list for at least one class.
You all know we do our very best to get all drivers from abroad on the entry list. Belgian/Dutch drivers however are less fortunate at the moment, this is why we’ve put those comforting words in Dutch on top.
Confirmations will be sent out in the next few days.
Thank you,
Willy & Liliane
MBV Kampenhout

Kampenhout International Race 1-2-3 July 2016 (a.k.a. Belgium GP)



Our 2016 GP will be held on the first weekend of July, coinciding with the park festivities as usual. It will be on the Efra calendar as International Race. However the format will be the same as before and an Efra licence is not required.

New for 2016: it was brought to our attention that Efra rules demand that all participants are affiliated to one of Efra’s National Federations (by end of June). Contact us if you have any questions regarding this requirement.


free practice on Friday

2wd on Saturday

4wd on Sunday

Control tyre for driven axles: Schumacher mini spike 2, all types all compounds.

Additionally for the 4WD front wheels the Schumacher Wide Stagger Rib (all compounds) will be allowed

Entries will be open from the 8th of February until the end of February.


By sending your name and class(es) raced to, you can apply for a place.

Everyone can apply, even without personal invitation.


You will receive a confirmation for the entry list or reserve list after the end of February. Payment details will be in that mail. Do not send any payment before this confirmation with payment request.

Entry fees are still the same: 30 euros for 1 class or 50 euros for 2 classes.


Kind regards,

Willy & Liliane


  TIMETABLE   2WD   S A T U R D A Y            
end of practice 9.15 h
class heat   Q 1   Q 2   Q 3   Q 4 marshalling
2wd 1 9.30 10.42 11.46 12.50 heat 8
2wd 2 9.39 10.50 11.54 12.58 heat 1
2wd 3 9.48 10.58 12.02 13.06 heat 2
2wd 4 9.57 11.06 12.10 13.14 heat 3
2wd 5 10.06 11.14 12.18 13.22 heat 4
2wd 6 10.15 11.22 12.26 13.30 heat 5
2wd 7 10.24 11.30 12.34 13.38 heat 6
2wd 8 10.33 11.38 12.42 13.46 heat 7
F 1   F 2   F 3 marshalling
2wd H 15.00 16.10 17.14 A final
2wd G 15.08 16.18 17.22 H final
2wd F 15.16 16.26 17.30 G final
2wd E 15.24 16.34 17.38 F final
2wd D 15.32 16.42 17.46 E fianl
2wd C 15.40 16.50 17.54 D final
2wd B 15.48 16.58 18.02 C final
A 16.02 17.06 18.10 B final
Trophy presentation at 18.45 h
  TIMETABLE 4WD       S U N D A Y                
end of practice 9.15 h
class heat   Q 1   Q 2   Q 3   Q 4 marshalling
4wd 1 9.30 10.33 11.29 12.25 heat 7
4wd 2 9.39 10.41 11.37 12.33 heat 1
4wd 3 9.48 10.49 11.45 12.41 heat 2
4wd 4 9.57 10.57 11.53 12.49 heat 3
4wd 5 10.06 11.05 12.01 12.57 heat 4
4wd 6 10.15 11.13 12.09 13.05 heat 5
4wd 7 10.24 11.21 12.17 13.13 heat 6
F 1   F 2   F 3 marshalling
4wd G 14.00 15.00 16.00 A final
4wd F 14.08 15.08 16.08 G final
4wd E 14.16 15.16 16.16 F final
4wd D 14.24 15.24 16.24 E final
4wd C 14.32 15.32 16.32 D final
4wd B 14.40 15.40 16.40 C final
4wd A 14.52 15.48 16.48 B final
Trophy presentation at 17.30 h